Monday, May 24, 2010

Surgery The Only Hope For Pancreatic Cancer

90% of Pancreatic Cancer is unresectable at the time of diagnosis. Only about 10% has the chance of surgery and hence cure at the time of diagnosis.That makes Pancreatic Cancer as one of the most feared Cancer to get. Having said that,we hear many people including celebrities who have been cured of Pancreatic Cancer by surgery.This is because Pancreatic Cancer is quite common in the community who are living the modern/western lifestyle.
Surgery is the main hope for cure.Other modalities of treatment are at best "experimental" in nature.
Nonetheless,a chemotherapeutic agent Gemcitabine has very promising outcome to improve in the success of treating pancreatic cancer.
The best chance of treating Pancreatic Cancer is to detect/discover them early even before the classical symptoms of jaundice appears.Patients with vague abdominal or back pain not responding to the usual treatment of abdominal and back pain should undergo a CT abdomen with a tumour marker study of CA19-9.
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